War is all that you know. For your clan, war is a permanent state of being. Just as you need meat to sustain you and leather armour to protect your leathery green skin, war keeps your thirst for chaos and violence sated.

Your clan now gathers to prepare for the war against the goblins. The creatures used to be your allies, but in the last battle they became cowardly and ran. Now there is nothing more to be done than to hunt down every one of them and serve them over your fire.

You begin by putting on your Orc Brute Greaves.


Epic Armoury's Orc Brute Greaves are sturdy leather poleyns, leg guards and sabatons designed to protect the knees, shins and feet during combat. Made from chrome-tanned leather plates tied together using tough leather cords, these greaves have great structural strength to make them last a long time and resist deformation. Additionally, felt padding reinforces the armour against the skin to absorb blows. Tribal decorations enhance the look, featuring leather laced edges and brown accents riveted to the armour.

Secure these greaves to your leg using the leather straps around the hamstring, calf and foot. The style is orcish and natural, and is fully compatible with other Epic Armoury leather and metal armours, giving you the freedom to customize your costume.

Available in Black and Brown, and in One Size.


  • May also be referred to as a schynbald, only protecting the front of the lower leg
  • The word greave comes from the Old French greve, which means "shin," or "shin armour"