The bracelet reminds you of your childhood village and the family you left behind when you became a ranger. You spend your days in the forest with your wolf companion and your weapons.

Sometimes you miss the company of other elves. When you look down at your wrist and see the Filigree Bracelet, you can remember the elven music and the merriment of your village's yearly festival the afternoon you bought it.


Epic Armoury's Filigree Bracelet is a beautiful and detailed leather bracelet. Made from a 24 cm long top-grain leather strip cut into an intricate leaf-vein design, it's the perfect addition to an elven or rogue costume. Secure the bracelet to your wrist using the iron buckle.

The Filigree Bracelet is an elegant accessory, and stylish enough to be worn with a variety of characters or even as a modern fashion statement.


  • The term bracelet comes from the Greek word brachile (meaning 'of the arm')
  • Evidence of bracelets in fashion dates back to Ancient Egypt